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Go Portable to Save on These Big-Ticket Household Items

Are you debating whether to go portable or permanent on your next big household purchase? If you hate the hassle of a complicated setup and hiring additional help and are looking for a bargain without compromising quality, the choice is clear: Buy the portable version. Check out these portable luxury goods that not only meet…

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Improve Your Credit Before Buying a House

According to Realtor.com, payment history accounts for 35 percent of your credit report score, followed by the amount you owe, the length of your credit history, new credit, and the different types of credit you hold. Your credit score is the key to getting a stable loan with the best interest rate possible. Fortunately, there…


How Living at Home During College Saves You Money

Trying to save as much money on college as possible? One of the easiest ways to do college on the cheap is commute while continuing to live at home. I know, this doesn’t sound particularly fun. College is supposed to be about leaving your parents (and possibly friends) behind, becoming independent, and making important discoveries…