TeleconferenceFor business owners and members of their workforce, working in the digital age means knowing how to embrace the advantages of technology. The idea of telecommuting has been adopted by companies all over the world.  It is not only eco-friendly, but allows workers to connect with different offices around the world.  Technology is here to stay.

In order to understand the advantages of technology, one must become familiar with the types that are available for consumer use. These include a growing number of mobile devices, as well as the ability to use cloud services. The Blue Jeans Network can even help a company create a teleconferencing solution that works for their budget and meets all of their needs.


During tight economic times, businesses may need to learn how to stretch every dollar not only to survive, but thrive as well. One of the most cost effective ways to do so is to cut down or completely cut out employee travel. Whether they travel by plane, automobile, or another means, it can be an expensive undertaking for any company to support.

Instead of spending money on things such as airfare, hotels and food, redirect that money into a teleconferencing system. These systems can bring the world to your desktop or to your conference room, depending upon a company’s needs. You may not be able to share a meal with a client or vendor, but you will still be able to close deals, set up shipments, and carry out other important tasks that would have traditionally been handled in person.

A teleconferencing system can cost a sum up front. However, users will see a quick return on their investment. There are other ways that users can take advantage of their virtual time together as well, but keep professionalism in mind, according to Fox News.

  • Treat the conference using Blue Jeans Network as you would an in person business meeting. Be on time! Not only is this beneficial for you, but it will also not delay the other parties in the meeting.
  • Take advantage of the virtual time together. Cover as many topics as possible, while also learning about the people you are working with. Get to know their faces and their names. You never know when someone will decide to meet face-to-face.

Beyond saving money, teleconferencing also provides another advantage. It allows the users to be more productive and efficient in their work. Instead of having to set aside time for travel, workers can keep working.


As technology allows, more people are continuing to work even when they are not at their computer. Embracing mobile solutions can allow a worker to further their career from nearly any location in the world, as long as they have internet access. Workers can even participate in videoconferences from their mobile devices now.

Some of the advantages of using a mobile device, such as a tablet or smartphone, to complete work assignments include the ability to work from anywhere.  For instance, instead of staying inside during a beautiful day, grab your tablet and your lunch and head outdoors for some fresh air. Working from anywhere also allows workers to telecommute or work from home, giving them more flexibility in both their personal and professional lives.

Like teleconferencing, mobile devices may also help increase a worker’s productivity level, according to CIO Insight.  The productivity level can increase for various reasons including:

  • Increase in the number of hours an employee is available.
  • Going mobile, does raise the need to balance personal with professional.
  • In order to keep the company protected and the workers productive, companies want to consider writing a mobile device use policy.

Any time an employee is going to use a mobile device, whether it is issued by their employer or a personal device, undergoing mobile security training can also help increase productivity.


Perhaps, one of the most important technology based work tools available on today’s market is a product that is not even visible to the naked eye, the cloud. Cloud technology has evolved in recent years and allows users to store and access personal and professional files from anywhere. Employees, as well as their employer, can take advantage of this invisible technology in various ways, according to Verio.

  • Improved flexibility
  • Less training is needed, leaving more time for working
  • Improved accessibility no matter where you are

As cloud technology becomes more of a business mainstay, many workers are now employing what are being called BYOD strategies. That is they are connecting to a cloud system for a videoconference or to access files from their personal mobile devices instead of using a company provided device. In order to limit security risks that can harm the entire company, a business would benefit from creating a BYOD policy, according to CIO.

The digital age offers many advantages to members of today’s workforce. Men and women from around the world can now connect to each other to complete tasks faster and save money while doing so.

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