How to end your career Quickly

I have written a lot about earning money on the side, how to get ahead in your job, becoming an expert, and multiple ways that you can make the most of your finances. Today I wanted to take a little bit different approach. I want to show you how to end your career quickly, or at least make sure you remain stagnant working a job that you hate for the rest of your life. If you’re looking to go out as ungracefully as possible, here are the top five ways to do it.

Go Wild at Company Parties

Most companies will throw a party for the holidays. Some are better than others, but many include free alcohol. Are you ready to make your departure, and likely sabotage your chances of ever working for a professional again? Then now is your chance.

Your first step is to show up for the party in something totally inappropriate. Then, proceed to overindulge in the libations, hit on the boss or the boss’ spouse, and repeatedly ask your non-smoking co-workers if you can bum a cigarette.

Come Monday, you will almost assuredly find yourself out of a job.

Ignore the Dress Code

Just about every job has a dress code. Some are strict and strictly enforced while others are a little more lenient and full of unwritten rules. Either way, dress how you feel comfortable, and not what the job demands.

This means that if you like button up shirts that have obnoxious graphics on them, then go ahead and wear it. It’s still a button up right? For the ladies, the skirts that are far too short, and the blouses that reveal a tad too much are perfectly acceptable. As long as you get your work done it’s all good right? Just dress one step up from t-shirt and jeans, and you’re sure to be dressing business casual.

Get enough dress code infractions, and your boss will let you go.

Do the Bare Minimum

All jobs have a job description. In that description you will find a list of all of the duties that you are responsible for. Carefully read those duties, because you will need to know exactly what you have to do.

For instance, if your job description tells you to review 5 clients per week, and you get those 5 clients done on Tuesday, then you can slack off the rest of the week. There’s no sense in learning more, going above and beyond, or pushing your limits. After all, you get paid the same to do the minimum.

After a few months of doing the minimum, your boss will be sure to note that you’re comfortable in a mediocre position.

Complain a Lot

There are great aspects of companies, and there are not-so-great aspects. In order to make sure the company you work for is constantly improving, they need to know what they’re doing wrong. This is where you come in. Loudly complain to anyone that will listen about all of the negative aspects of your job. Focus especially on items like the boss, the facility location, and things that are beyond anyone’s control (weather is a good one).

By complaining you will make sure that the company, co-workers, and your boss have the chance to improve and make things more comfortable for you.

It won’t take long for nobody to like you, this means fewer disturbances and you can sit doing the bare minimum work in peace.

Be Defiant

Everyone loves the strong type. When a big project comes along, do it your way (and don’t even ask for help). It will get done, and it will get done the way you think it should be done. When you’re given feedback from your boss, get irritated that he or she doesn’t praise your hard work. If you’re instructed to do it differently, blatantly defy the work order and do it your way instead.

Every boss loves a worker who takes initiative. Your way is better than company policy, so you can expect your boss to change the policy to fit your better way.

Don’t worry, after a few big run-ins with the boss, you’ll be shown the door.

Moving up in your job, earning more on the side, and being a great employee are all hard work. Why not take the easy way out? These are just 5 suggestions on how to fail miserably, but there are many other ways. Don’t bother following the rules, working hard, being promoted and enjoying a long and successful career. Instead, end your career disgracefully with one of these methods.

Have you ever made a huge mistake that cost you your career? What happened to you?

Make sure you avoid a short career at your current job. Make sure you avoid these five things. #Career #Jobs #CareerMistakes

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