
Being smart with your money consists of several factors. However, many seem to forget the online part of things. As more and more people shop, invest, and even bank online, the fine art of getting the most bang for your buck in the online space is evolving quickly. Here are a few tips to help you become a pro at the art of saving money online.

Tip #1: Never Jump At The First Offer

If you’re new to online shopping, get ready to be addicted. Just about everything can be found cheaper in cyber space than it than it can on a store’s shelves. With far lower overhead, the savings is passed down to the consumer. So, when you’re looking for something in particular, it may be easy to jump at the first offer you find for that product or service. However, you never want to jump at the first offer. 9 times out of 10, you’ll be able to find a better deal elsewhere with just a few minutes of work.

Tip #2: Finding That Deal

As mentioned above, you never want to jump at the first offer you come across. Unfortunately, you may leave money on the table because a better deal was found elsewhere. Instead, it’s important to do some searching for the best deal. The first place you want to start is Google. First, search for the best version of the product or service you want. It could be anything, “Best Curling Irons”, “Best Video Game Consoles”, “Best Tax Services”, “Best Binary Options Brokers”, the list goes on and on!

Once you’ve compared the different options available to you, it’s time to search for the best deal on the product or service that you’ve chosen. First, search the large outlets known for good deals. Sites like Amazon.com, Ebay, and others. In your search, make a note of the prices you’ve found.

Now, go back to Google and type the name of the product in. From there, you’ll see Google’s shopping suggestions with prices as well as other normal search listings. Dig around here and see if you can find a better price. Keep in mind that when calculating price, you also want to add in the shipping price. A $200 product with free shipping is much less expensive than a $275 product with $75 shipping.

Once you’ve compared all options and found not only the best product or service, but the best price for that product or service, you’re ready to strike and claim your deal!

Tip #3: Be Aware Of Scams

Unfortunately, scams have been around since the beginning days of currency when Egyptians paid workers in beer. However, as currency and the way we use currency has evolved, so too have scams. There are a few keys to being aware of and avoiding scams…

  • Use Your Credit Card – First and foremost, use a credit card, not a checking account. Your credit card comes with added protection against fraud. As a result, if you don’t get the product you purchased, you can file a dispute and get your money back. Getting your money back after using a checking account is quite a bit more difficult.
  • Look For SSL Security – All legitimate websites that ask for payment information will have SSL security on their payments page. Before entering your credit card number, look at the beginning of the web address. If the padlock is closed, the page is not secure and you could be taken advantage of. If the padlock is closed, the site is likely safe. For more information on SSL security, click here.

Final Thoughts

Shopping online can be incredibly rewarding because you’ll likely find deals that you’ll never see elsewhere. However, when shopping, taking a few minutes to follow the tips above can save you quite a bit of money! So, what are you waiting for? You’re already online, it’s time to start saving… put these tips to the test!

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